Enrollment is now open!
Are you ready for your dream relationship, but stuck in a constant cycle of anxiety, frustration, and shame?
Or you feel like no matter what your partner says or does, it's never enough, that you constantly need more affection and love to feel safe and satisfied.
Or you are constantly thinking about the future of what may or may not happen in your relationship, allowing negative thoughts to dominate your day to day experience and distract you from friends, work, and enjoying life.
If any of these experiences sound like you, please know that you’re not alone. Not even close.
I have worked with hundreds of women who once felt the same exact way.
And even though so many of them thought they could never change these patterns and break free - they did.
Through doing the work together, they were able to break free of anxiety and find freedom, confidence & safety in dating and relationships, and more importantly, in themselves.
And now, it's your turn to break free.
Relationship Anxiety, or Anxious Attachment, is an attachment style that forms as a result of unmet needs, mostly in childhood.
Attachment styles are an adaptive response that develop in reaction to those unmet needs. They are essentially the way that we automatically behave in order to stay safe, stay protected, and survive.
In the case of Anxious Attachment, the unmet need is around connection, safety, and love.
Did we feel a consistent presence from our primary caregivers growing up?
Were we shut out emotionally by people around us?
Was there a real or perceived threat of being left behind or abandoned?
For so many of us, the core unmet needs of love, consistency, and safety have led to persistent anxiety- driven patterns and behaviors in our adult relationships.
And, even though we're just trying to maintain connection, these patterns and behaviors actually end up pushing love away and sabotaging the potential for joyful longterm relationships.
"I have so much more compassion & love for myself"
"I've gained this inner peace that I'd always searched for..."
Attachment styles have become popular, through content like books and social media, as well as in online discussion forums like Facebook groups.
Unfortunately, the type of content that sells books and attracts clicks and "likes" is often more of a band-aid than healing. And in those groups, it's the same- the focus is on getting advice, rather than on healing.
That's because healing, real, lasting healing, is a slow and in depth process that involves much more than reading a quote about relationships, or looking at an infographic, or getting advice on how long to wait before you text them back.
You may have felt a momentary shift from reading a book or getting a piece of solid advice. You may have even thought "maybe I'm over this and I'm not anxious anymore!"
But then something happens, a trigger shows up, and the body & subconscious mind react with the same patterns and behaviors as before, leaving you feeling discouraged and like there’s something wrong with you, that you're stuck with this forever.
Here's the thing- there’s nothing wrong with you. You simply need a different approach to create lasting change at the level of the nervous system.
That's because relationship anxiety exists because of deep rooted wounds and limiting beliefs, and those beliefs and patterns are embedded in our nervous system.
And in order to heal our attachment patterns and change the way we show up in love and relationships, forever, we need to slow it down, develop deep understanding, and shift these patterns at the level of the nervous system.
Join Danielle Robin, Relationship Coach and Anxious Attachment expert, in this new Program where you’ll learn all the foundation for shifting your anxious attachment-based patterns for good.
In Wavelength you will:
Learn what attachment styles are and why they are so intense
Debunk the myths about attachment styles that are keeping you from healing
Finally understand every single behavior and pattern you experience and why it happens
Understand why the things you have tried doing to heal in the past haven't worked
Master the principles of healing that will unlock your journey
Turn self doubt, shame, and blame into love, acceptance, compassion and empathy for all parts of yourself
Know the difference between your fears and reality (triggers and truths) so you can accurately assess your relationship
Learn to access the love and safety that lives inside of you so you will no longer rely on your partner to make you feel loved and safe
Access somatic tools and practices for self-soothing so you can rewire your nervous system, bring down your own triggers, and approach every situation with confidence
Transform feelings of unworthiness or fear into confidence, wholeness, and self-trust
"I've reached new levels of self awareness and emotional maturity..."
"I was pretty hesitant...it was kind of a lot for me... but I knew I needed to put the work in for myself... the support is really really beneficial"
Wavelength is for you if you experience any of these things:
You recognize patterns of anxiety in your dating life, to varying degrees, regardless of how the other person is showing up
You are in a cycle of dating emotionally unavailable or avoidant partners on repeat
You’re in a committed relationship but you still feel anxious and experience a lot of doubt and fear.
You hold back on sharing your own needs in relationships but you are overly accommodating of the other person's.
You spend a lot of time thinking and worrying about the future of love and relationships.
You sometimes try to push a relationship to more commitment because the anxiety you feel with not knowing where things will go is too much for you.
You feel like no amount of connection, communication, touch, or words of affection are ever enough, you always feel yearning for more.
You can be very hard on yourself and feel a lot of shame and self loathing when there is a relationship breakdown
You notice that your relationship anxiety is impacting other areas of your life: sleep, career, friendships, etc.
You want to become more confident and self-expressed in your relationships.
"I now know that love is always inside of ME"
"I now live a much healthier life"
Brush up on attachment theory and the paths to becoming anxious and avoidant.
Learn the top three myths about attachment styles that are blocking you from progress and debunk them so that you can change your beliefs and start to heal more quickly.
Develop a new (and much more useful) vocabulary for talking about attachment styles.
Deep dive into all the common behaviors of anxious attachment: Shame Spirals, Dark Fantasies and many more.
Identify your unique trigger pattern.
Learn whether you are living in "Wave survival mode" .
Learn all of the options for healing anxious attachment, which ones work and which ones do not.
Foundations of Healing
Understand resistance, the number one block to healing, and how to move through it
Learn the right pace for your healing journey
Discover how to transform negative self thought into positive self thought, no matter what is happening
Learn a powerful sharing practice that will serve you in every relationship
Intro to Self-Soothing and the Felt Sense
Learn the number one most important tool to unlock all attachment wound healing
A step-by-step approach to embodiment
Experience the wisdom your body holds when you learn how to listen to it
Access self soothing practices for every single day
Make the shift from needing love and safety from others, to generating it inside of yourself
Advanced Self-Soothing, Self-Trust, and Continuing Down the Path to Healing
Discover your endless supply of untapped inner resources.
Learn how to access safety and love in any moment.
Connect all the dots to reduce attachment related triggers whenever they arise.
Learn to assess your relationship: know the difference between your triggers (anxiety fueled by a triggered nervous system) and your truths (attachment driven behaviors in a healthy and safe relationship).
Receive an invitation to the next level of attachment style healing, for graduates only.
In this 90 minute workshop, you'll learn:
The anatomy of negative relationship cycles- what are they and how do they work?
The origin of relationship cycles- where they come from
The impact of relationship cycles- why they can be so dangerousIdentifying your relationship cycles (in a current or previous relationship)
How you can start to break relationship cycles
In this 90 minute workshop, you'll learn:
The cycle of over giving in relationships- why Waves do it and the impact
Why are you over giving and where are you over giving?
How to protect your energy
How to set healthy boundaries through communication
"I found safety & healing within myself"
"This is a great community of women..and you will feel validated with your experiences"
Copyright 2023 Danielle Robin LLC